A mobile data center is a ready-to-use module that is internally equipped with server cabinets, uninterruptible power supply systems, cooling systems, SCS, fire protection systems, infrastructure monitoring and management. Such complexes are usually made in the form of metal containers that can be easily moved by road transport from one site to another. If necessary, a container data center can have a high level of protection not only from the external environment, but also from hacking or damage by intruders.
One of the advantages that the customer receives when using such modules is the speed of deployment and scaling of the computing infrastructure. Also, the advantage of such a mobile option is the absence of the need for construction or preparation of a building for a data center, which significantly reduces the number of necessary permit documentation and coordination with local authorities. All necessary mobile data center systems are installed and tested at the factory, which significantly minimizes the amount of work at the installation site and shortens the commissioning period.